Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Perfect Day

We had a wonderful Christmas.  It snowed in north Texas!  Simba enjoyed watching the snow fall.

Annie dressed up for the snow. No, we couldn't even pretend. Annie has never seen snow before and she, true to form, was scared of it. Mama tried to reassure her but she spent a good part of Christmas in her office.

I stayed in my bed all day with my heating pad on.

Mama cooked all day and all four of us (Papa too) loved her turkey!  We (just the kitties) also had a lot of fun with some silvervine powder that our dearest friends at The Furries of Whisppy sent us.  We also received some treats from Jim and Chestnut, our two sweet French kitty friends from Nice, France. We get to try them today. I can't wait! Merci beaucoup, mes amis!

I'm doing well. Hopefully, I'll get my cast off soon. I took it off myself a couple weeks ago. I stayed up all night working at it and Mama woke up in the morning to see my cast in the corner of the bedroom. Unfortunately, I was in a lot of pain and couldn't walk at all so I had to go back and get a new one. I've been having tummy problems (poop, not pee), but I'm on some new medicine and, paws crossed, that seems to be clearing up.

I'm looking foward to making the rounds and visiting you, my friends.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas!

We wish you a wonderful Christmas! Mama will cook a turkey dinner that we all will enjoy.

I'm outta here!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Double Trouble

Double-Decker of Orange (Simba and Annie):
I woke Simba up to get this picture. That's why he looks a little out of it.

Lucy is continuing to do well. She goes back to see her doctor on Friday. She is still having litter box problems where she goes frequently and just small amounts. Sometimes there isn't anything at all. Other times she hangs out right next to the box or even curls up inside. If anyone has any thoughts on that, I'd appreciate it. It could be that she has some kind of contusions or bruising on her bladder that still need to heal.

Happy Thursday!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Lucy Update

With Mama

Guess what? I'm feeling better. Every day I get a little better. Mama has been bringing my food and water to me but I'm now getting up a little more to get it myself. I've been through a lot and the impact from the fall may have affected my bladder, but that still remains to be seen. I go to the litter box a lot but each time only a little comes out although it takes a long time.

Today we had to go back to the vet to have my cast checked. Plus, I got it all icky from my litter box so they changed the outer bandages and two of the nurses signed it. The cast is very heavy so walking around tires me out. It also makes me a little clumsy. 
New cast
  I like to keep it clean.

This is my doctor, Doctor Hartland. Mama and I call her our hero but she called me her hero!

She is sweet and caring. We are so thankful for her and her staff.

This is one of my nurses, Lana.

Well, I just wanted to share our good news. We appreciate all your nice comments you left us.

Annie wants to say goodbye. She was peeking out of her "office" when we came home from the vet.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

We are so Thankful...

This is Lucy's mama talking today.
This Thanksgiving we have something to be extra thankful about. We are thankful that Lucy is still with us after her terrible accident last Tuesday. She squeezed though the iron bars on our third-floor balcony and fell onto the concrete below. I looked away for a second and when I looked back, I saw her stepping off. I can't explain the terror, hysteria and deep sadness I felt as I tried to stop her. We rushed her to the vet. I stayed there all day (eight hours) on Tuesday. The vet told us it would be moment by moment, hour by hour. She spent 24 hours on oxygen and was in the hospital for four days, but she's okay now except for some pulmonary bruising, a broken toe and a scratch on her nose.

I cried and prayed on the drive to her vet. I know that a lot of us have different beliefs, but I just want to share how deeply thankful to God I am that he healed her. Even her doctor was amazed that she not only survived but came out of this relatively unscathed.

She came home yesterday. I am so happy to have my girl home. We set her up in the bedroom with her own litter box. Hubby bought her a heating pad (with automatic shut-off) for her bed but last night she jumped up on the big bed several times. She's on pain medicine and has a cast as you can see in her picture. She mainly just lies on her side and purrs constantly and even eats lying down but does get up to use the litter box, bless her heart. I bring her food and water to her. I didn't sleep a wink last night due to worry.

Needless to say, the cats will no longer be permitted to go on the patio as long as we live here. I still have some anxiety at night because my thoughts go back to that horrible day. I am so blessed to be saved from deep sorrow of losing her.

Thanks for listening. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Keepin' Warm

Cooler weather has hit north Texas.

Simba and I are trying to keep warm.  Annie hangs out in her cave (storage closet). 

I'm getting ready to go to the cat spa. My medications, blankie and treats have been packed. Mama will call me every day.  I'll be back before Thanksgiving so I'm expecting some turkey (any maybe even my favorite, ham).

p.s. Thanks for all your nice comments on my last post. I have a very large, covered box surrounded by pads of all sorts. Mainly, I do the "hangover".

p.p.s. Have you ever tried Fancy Feat Appetizers? Mama had a coupon from PetSmart for a free one and gave it to us last night. I highly recommend it for a special treat, especially if your mamma is feeling guilty for abandoning you for several days.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Hi! This has been a crazy week for Mama.  Her work was threatening her sanity. Thankfully, the work week is over! In this picture it looks like I'm trying to hold on to the sun beams. Well, it's supposed to get cold next week so I'm trying to store up the sunshine.  Also, later next week is when I have to go to the cold, unforgiving jail cat spa while *they* have fun.

I got this fun award from Katie Isabella. I know everyone knows Katie. She is such a hoot but also she and her mom are sweet friends. The premise of this award is that I'm supposed to talk about something that I want to celebrate. Well, I want to celebrate something that is actually a little embarrassing. We haven't talked about it but I stopped going number one in the litter box about 10 months ago. I go in, but I don't crouch down so it all goes out and in front of the box. When Mama mentioned it to my vet in California, the vet hugged me and said, "Don't blame her!" Mama and I thought that was so sweet. Mama was quick to reassure her that she and Papa don't get mad at me (but they do get exasperated).  I'm celebrating that Dr. Diane loved me and didn't make me feel bad for this.

Papa has to shampoo the rugs this weekend because Mama's parents are coming over right after they all come back from their little get-away. Mama and I are ready to hear some grumbling from him. :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


 Annie wonders why people like Halloween... 

It's on my head, isn't it?

Lucy is glad she can't see the scary stuff...

Simba loves to give Halloween treats...

 We hope you get lots of treats and no tricks!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Totally Tuesday

Hi Friends,
We've been having a sunny October for the most part and I'm not complaining. Cold weather makes for good snuggles but I just love the feeling of the warm sun.

Simba went to the vet on Friday. They stole his bloods because it's been six months since the last time. He has CRF (chronic renal failure) so he has to be monitored. He was so naughty that they had to drug the poor chump. Anyway, it turns out I got a shot out of the whole deal and I wasn't even there. How is that fair? Simba and I have to have vitamin B12 shots once a week that Mama gives us at home. I hissed because it stung.  

I am hearing Mama and Papa talk about Mama's parents coming to visit next month. First, though, Mama and Papa are going to drive to the hill country and spend a few days with them there. That means I have to be boarded and a cat sitter will come to take care of Simba and Annie. It seems I'm getting the raw end of the stick lately. I'm going to do my best to work this to my advantage, which means Party Mix and lots of it.

Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Beautiful and Sweet

Happiness is a dirty laundry basket
Annie just loves being in a laundry basket. I apologize upfront for the dirty laundry but be happy there are no underthings in there. Really, Annie went in on her own and then proceeded to purr up a storm. 

We've received some awards from our friends and one of the rewards went to Annie directly.

First, we received the Beautiful Blogger award from our newest friends, Sherlock, Traveler and Ash at Feline Purr-spective. They are such sweet kitties, obviously well loved and all rescues.We are enjoying getting to them.

 We received the One Sweet Blog award from two friends, Twinkletoe Tails and Furries of Whisppy.

We just adore the gang at Twinkletoe Tails: Oui Oui, Mica Minnie Moo, Julie and Carl. Their blog is so fun to read. Mama and I love their tales and tails. They gave this award specifically to Annie because they "love her so". I have to admit that is super sweet and it made Mama really happy. Mama just loves that they love Annie and took a special interest in her from the first day she came to us. Annie is always about, either doing her rounds, eating, sleeping in the storage closet, waiting for Necko Fly to come out and play, eating or growling when someone knocks on the door, so we're blogging for her.

The kitties and their mom at the Furries of Whisppy are so awesome. They're our friends and they are a lively bunch! Oh, plus there's Whisky, the adorable white doggie, and Bernie, the now three-legged bunny. They are so kind to homeless animals they find, getting them vet care and neutered.

We really appreciate these awards!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Busy Lucy

Lately, I've been anxious to go outside on the patio just about every day. I may not be able to see, but I know where the patio is and I try to push the window open with my head. That's where I am here. It feels so good to roll around on the patio floor.

Mama wants to get a picture of Annie's tocks because she think they're cute. I don't understand what's so great about Annie's backside. It's just another stinky hiney if you ask me. Speaking of stinky, I had to give Simba a full bath the other day. He loves to get a bath but he doesn't like to bathe himself. He's just a lazy old man. Afterwards, he curled up and went to sleep.

Well, as you can see, I've been busy. Keeping these kitties in line is a full time job. If you need me, I'll be on my blankie.

Monday, October 8, 2012


This weekend was the first cold weekend since we arrived in Texas in May.  I spent most of it on the blue blanket trying to stay warm. Mama and Papa walked up and down Main Street in our town looking in all the shops. They also went to PetSmart to get our supplies and the market for their supplies. Mama made chilli for their dinner and we had Fancy Feast. Did you have a good weekend?

Simba had to have his fluids twice this weekend because he's getting more obsessive about water. Annie loves when he gets fluids because it means he she gets treats. She tries to take the treats out of Simba's mouth but Papa protects Simba. Proudly I state that she never tries that with me. 

I guess I'm cheap because I would choose the cardboard box. Annie would choose the laundry basket. I'm not sure what Simba would choose. Any spot where his Papa is I guess. What would you choose?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Annie's Anniversary

It’s been a little over year since we adopted Annie. I know a lot of you probably remember the circumstances. Her former owners were moving and were going to put her in a shelter if they couldn’t find someone to take her (and the no-kill shelters were full). We took her in hopes of placing her in another home. After all, we were in a two-bedroom apartment with two cats and were supposed to only have one. Exactly one day after we brought her home, she started peeing blood in the bathtub, constantly. After several vet visits, it was determined that she had two stones in her bladder that needed to be surgically removed. She was also terrified of her new home, Lucy and Simba, my husband and me, the vet and car rides. When her previous owners found out the cost of the surgery, they wanted her put to sleep.
I looked back at all our old posts about Annie in August and September of last year. My heart is filled with gratitude and happiness and amazement once again from all of your encouragement and support. (It was also heartbreaking when I reread some sweet comments from Judi at SASS.)
Annie is now happy and healthy. She’s had no recurrence with stones or bladder issues. She LOVES food and treats, playing with her Neko Fly toy, watching the world through the window and sneaking up and pouncing on Simba. She’s not a cuddly kitty, but can be very sweet at times (especially when she's hungry) and loves a good belly rub. She brings a smile to our faces every day with her funny ways. She is definitely a lot more nervous than most kitties and abhors change of any kind.
We adore this silly girl and are so happy that she’s ours! She's our Annie-Bear.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Happy Weekend!

I hope you’re all having a good weekend so far. Today, it’s dark and a bit rainy here.  Mama still needs to go out and run errands.  She needs to replenish our Fancy Feast stash and get food for her and Papa. She also needs to do laundry and wash my blankie.
What are your plans today?  I’ll be snoozing and hanging out with Mama.  She has good books to read and an old movie to watch after her chores are done.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tasty Tuna Tuesday

Hi friends. Here, I'm relaxing yesterday afternoon. Mama  made dinner and used two packets of tuna. She deliberately kept some back from both packets and put it into our Fancy Feast for dinner. Yummy!

Mama worked late last night and then we watched some TV together in bed.  Much, much later, I meow-howled the night away.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy Friday

We received a lot of nice comments about my loss of eyesight, which we appreciate.

My retinas detached due to high blood pressure and it's thought that the high blood pressure came from the hyperthyroidism.  The great news is that I've adapted really well. In some cases, when blindness is due to retinal detachment, the retinas can reattach.  The main symptom that Mama noticed on me was that my eyes were fully dilated all the time, which means they were trying to get light.

I'm 16 and just went blind early this year so that just goes to show that blind kitties of all ages make wonderful pets. This is a wonderful place that helps homeless blind kitties: Blind Cat Rescue  

I jump up on the bed, know where the patio is, where my own bed is, where my ham-mick is and where my food and water are. I use my whiskers a lot when walking around but I still bump into walls often.  I love hearing Mama and Papa talk and when I hear one of them come in the bedroom, I always get up and lie beside them.   Sometimes, Mama sings to me, which I love.  The downside to this, according to Mama, is I meow very loudly several times throughout the night, every night, and Mama hasn't had a good night's sleep in a long time.

Now for some fun. Humans, celebrate Friday by giving your kitties, doggies or other furry pals a treat or two (or ten). Also, Katie Isabella is having a house trashing pawty this weekend while her mom is away. Be sure to check her blog for details. Katie said I can eat in her mom's bed! I can't wait!

Saturday, September 15, 2012



I know it’s been a very long time since I’ve done a post. We think of you, our friends, often and have missed you a lot.

Here’s what’s been going on with me the last few months:
I went blind earlier this year due to off-the-charts high blood pressure.  I’m now doing well because I take my blood pressure pills every day.  I also take hyper-thyroid pills twice a day and prednisone for bloody poops.  In May, I moved to Texas with Mama, Papa, Simba and Annie.  Mama was really worried how I would adapt to a new home not being able to see and if I would be able to find the litter box. She was so proud of me because I walked from the bedroom to the litter box immediately with no problems and didn’t need any help (thanks to Simba’s stinky poops, I just smelled the way).  I still love to eat and love attention.  I purr with the best of them. Now that the weather is getting cooler, I walk around on the patio and love to sit in front of the open window and smell the fresh air.

Mama wanted me to add that Annie has been doing great. She is (finally) completely comfortable with Simba and me and feels secure with all of us.  She hasn’t had any recurrence of bladder stones, even with the stress of the move.  Simba is doing really well too. He still gets fluids but only needs them about once a week.

I’m looking forward to visiting everyone and finding out the latest news with y’all.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Lucy McGillicuddy

Simba O'Sullivan, the Day After St. Patrick's Day
Annie O'Malley and Rat O'Reilly

May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Hi Friends,
We've missed all of you. The last few weeks have been busier than usual. Mama's work is having a big shake-up, Mama and Papa are making plans to move and I haven't been feeling well.

Mama took me to the vet.  I have very high blood pressure, elevated thyroid and my retinas are detaching.  The latter is apparently due to the high blood pressure.  I don't see very well and my eyes are dilated a lot.  However, Mama said the vet said that the vision can come back once the BP is under control. I've been on both BP and thyroid pills, but I don't mind because I get a pill pocket twice a day.
I go back to the vet on Wednesday for a two-week check up.  They'll re-test my blood for the thyroid and take my blood pressure.  I've been feeling a bit better so we're hopeful for a good report.

On another note, our lovely friends at Whisppy have given us an award! Here are the rules:
  • Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  • Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  • Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Well, here goes the seven things about us. (You should go read about all the friends at Whisppy. We loved what they had to say.)
  1. If Annie is excited about something, her meow sounds like a harmonica. If she wants something, her meow sounds like she's pushing out air. 
  2. It's been in the 70's here in Southern California. We're enjoying the sunshine coming through the windows and on our patio.
  3.  Annie likes to chase Simba.
  4. Annie, the pickiest cat who's ever lived here and only likes two flavors of Fancy Feast, has a taste for smoked Muenster cheese and will steal it off your plate.  (She also likes coffee cake.)
  5. Simba likes to be rocked in the Lazy Boy chair while he's doing the monorail on the top of it.  The faster the chair moves, the better.  He's a closet thrill seeker.
  6. Lucy was named after the lead character in the TV show I Love Lucy. When Mama saw her in the shelter 15 and a half years ago, she was sleeping in her litter box and purred nonstop when Mama took her out the cage.
  7. Lucy, Simba and Annie live together harmoniously, something Mama despaired of several months ago when Annie came to live here.
We're going rogue and instead of nominating bloggers to win this award, we encourage you all to pick it up and share about yourselves.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Shopping at Mr. Chewy

We were contacted by Mr. Chewy, a new online pet food store, to place an order in exchange for an honest review.  We were very happy to comply!

Mr. Chewy has over 70 popular, high quality brands of dog and cat food, treats and cat litter and they offer free shipping on orders over $49 (if your order is under $49, it ships for only $4.95).  The site allow you to set up a delivery schedule and offers a 15% discount when you set up your first delivery schedule.  You can change, skip or cancel this schedule any time.

Look at what we got!
Our delivery arrived quickly after we ordered, the web site was very easy to navigate and we had fun choosing from such a great selection.

I know you can't tell here, but we give Mr. Chewy 12 paws up!