Monday, August 31, 2009

Oops I Ate It Award and Marshmallows

I want to thank my friends, Lucy, an adorable goldendoodle, and her mom, Sunny, at Life with Lucy for this fun award. Part of this award is that I have to tell you a story about something I ate that was not a part of my regular diet.

About six years ago, Mama had her nephews, Nick and Noah, over. They were about four and five years old. Mama doesn’t have any human kids, so she didn’t have any toys for them. She decided to make some playdough (after looking up the recipe on the Internet). She, Nick and Noah put the playdough in an empty ice tray and then made little faces with the playdough with toothpicks, raisins and marshmallows. Mama thought those faces were so sweet that she put them on top of the entertainment center.

Later on that night she went to look at the faces again. She noticed that all the faces were missing marshmallows. As she pondered that, she saw me jump up to inspect the faces. She figured out that I took and ate all the marshmallows. That’s how we both discovered that I love marshmallows. Unfortunately, it’s a very rare treat. Oh, they are soooo good!
Me eat marshmallows?? I'm tough chick!


  1. We never ate marshmallows...maybe we should try them! Wally is the only one that steals food around here...

  2. Kovu LOVES marshmallows too, and pasta! Our other cats loved canteloupe, chick peas and cheez its! He has also taken to "begging" at the table, Princess the dog does not do that (unless there is PIZZA)

  3. Jim loves tomatoe sauce, chips and he's made about strawberry jam!
    Congratulations for this funny award!

  4. LOL how funny! I have never tasted marshmallows!Is it really yummy! What a story dear Lucy!Smart sweet girl! :)
    Congratulations for your award!
    purrs and love

  5. Concatualtions on your award! Wot a grate storee. Only a kitteh could be dainty enuf to only take the marshmallows. Us dawgs would has just eaten the whole thing!

  6. Lucy, you are so funny. I know you are looking tough in that picture with the studs and all,but I know you are a sweetheart through and through. Congratulations on your award.

  7. I don't like marshmallows :(
    I steal "ham" from my Mommy .... LOL
    Sooooooo lovely story !!!
    Congratulations on your award....
    Kareltje =^.^=

  8. We would love to try marshmallows! We like lots of different things, bread, pancakes, flowers, BBQ.

  9. Hey Lucy, I finally talked my humans into making me a blog. All you other cats were having too much fun. My little human has to help me keep it up, so we will see how it goes. The Kingdom of Kovu

  10. Ummmm Marshmallows, I love to toast them! Can't blame you for liking those Lucy. Nice award too - goes right along with your story. :) But you know us girls have to watch our waist...(get bigger and bigger). ;)

  11. Haha...loved the story! And you are styling with that fancy schmancy collar you are modeling!

  12. Congratulations on your really cool award, Lucy :p
    That was a cute little tail... oops I mean tale you told.
    I don't blame you cause I love marshmallows too... there the cats meow :P
    Tell Vicki I said, Hey... your luck Lucy to have her for your Mama

  13. That is so loveable! I am amused! Glad Mama did not give you a whack! Oh, no, you sound like a very good girl. :)


I love comments like I love ham