Monday, June 7, 2010

Wash Day

Mama washed the sheets, but instead of folding them up and putting them away, she put them on the bed for me to enjoy first.  I love clean, soft, warm-out-of-the-dryer sheets.  This wasn't for a linen changing.  She just let me enjoy them because she knows that makes me happy. 


  1. Dear Lucy, you know how to enjoy simple pleasures! and there you are, a flower among flowers..:)

  2. Aw, Lucy, you look so comfy there. The simplest things in life are often the best!

  3. Hi Lucy,
    You look quite pampered. What a nice mama to let you be so comfy.
    Hope you have a nice week.
    Luv, Lucy (Woof!)

  4. You're mom is PAWesome!!! Our mom doesn't do that for us! King likes to help mom make the bed, by diving underneath the fitted sheet while she's putting it on the bed. He thinks you looks furry dreamy today!

  5. What a special mama you have, Lucy. xxxxxxxxxxx

  6. You have a special mama Lucy...she's the bomb. I love my sheets to dry on the line outside...they are so fresh smelling and feel so cool. :) Have a great week ahead :)

  7. That was so nice of your mama. We like nice clean sheets too, towels are nice to snuggle too. It's fun to jump in the pile while mama is trying to fold them. :)

  8. That woz so nice of your mama. Floofy clean sheets to put you furs all over is the bestest! Even for us dogs.

  9. What a nice Mom you have to let you wallow in the nice clean sheets. We would like to do that too. Have a fine week.

  10. Your Mom is da Bomb! We love to wait on the dryer for warm laundry. Mommy leaves the pile there for us to enjoy for a while.

  11. What a wonderful mommy you have!

  12. Nothing better than those warm clean clothes!

  13. Wow -- sounds like you've got your mom trained well! Congrats on that, my friend. (And it sounds like she really loves you, too!)

  14. Lucy, your mom is very good to you. I hope those warm sheets didn't stimulate you to urinate on them. Some cats do that you know. Probably only Tom cats though.

  15. What a nice thing for your mom to do!! Our mom has never done that for us...she folds them up as quickly as she can.

  16. Your mama and papa is always on the look out for you guys.Love the smell specially with the fabric softener.
    My kitties love fresh and clean sheets too, but our new kitty invaded Twylah's blanket.

  17. You look so happy among the sheets :)

  18. Hello sweetie,
    You are sooo adorable enjoying the clean comfortable blanket there.It's cool, I need to try it someday!
    purrs and always love
    Luna ( and mommy Léia )

  19. That is exactly what my Mom does for me with the sheets from the dryer! And my sister Ashton sometimes will throw my blankie in the dryer for a few minutes for me. Ah...maybe my mom will do so now, its been a rainy, yucky day.


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