Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Hi friends.  I haven't posted since last week because I haven't been up to much at all.  What you see above is the extent of what I've been doing lately. 

Remember when I posted that Simba and I went to the vet and they ran blood tests on us?  That was a few weeks ago.  Well, my tests came back perfect, but Simba's came back with elevated kidney numbers.  He also has a urine infection.  Mama is pretty unhappy about this.  Of course, she's worried about Simba, but also it brings back sad memories of Bucky.  Interestingly, however, is that Simba seems to feel fine.  I, on the other hand, have been lethargic.  Mama is afraid I'm gaining weight.  Simba has to be on a prescription kidney diet and I've been eating lots of it.  She said she's putting her foot down and is going to do what she can to make sure I eat way more canned than dry and limit the amount of the kidney diet I steal from Simba.
Simba has to have an antibiotic every day and fluids every other day.  He is not cooperative like Bucky was.

Well, that's what's been going on around here.  Plus, Mama has been working more than usual.


  1. sorry to hear Simba is having some problems. Hopefully they will turn around for him. Sending healthful wishes for Simba. Give you Mom some hugs Lucy, sounds like a bit of a stressful time.

  2. We have been missing you, sweet Lucy.

    We're happy to hear you got a good report, but sad to hear that Simba's wasn't as good.....we will be purring for him.


  3. Hi Lucy,
    Happy to hear that your tests were purrfect.
    We are sending positive thoughts Simba's way and hoping he will be alright.
    Happy cat naps.
    Luv, Lucy (Woof!)

  4. We think your mom probably needs lots of hugs!

    We're glad your tests came back fine, Lucy, but are sorry to read about Simba. We hope the meds and diet mean he'll be okay. We're sending him lots of purrs and universal healing Light!

  5. Glad to hear things are going better! Rest and relax -- orders from Dr. Remington....

  6. The diet and meds will be a big help for Simba - our Only had a tough time but is fine! Come by for Chica's birthday on Thurs!

  7. All of you had a hard week!Jim also had kidney problems last year . After treatment, everything is alright. The thing was not to feed the baby with dry food; But when they are two it's not easy, they always want to steal the food of the other!Vic will need a lot of patience..And Jim is also lethargic after the vet, it's a kind of reaction..We send to all of you a lot of friendly thoughts, hoping you'll go better very soon!
    Hugs from Nice!

  8. We're sorry to hear about Simba! Hoping the meds work and it's now the lazy daze of summer, hence the reason you're lethargic. King will come keep you company if you'd like.

  9. We hope that Simba gets better soon. Our mom is lethargic too but we think it is because of the heat.
    Have a great day.

  10. I hope everyone gets back to feeling better soon Lucy!

  11. Lucy, I'm like your mama, I'm pretty sure you are gaining weight. That's not a good thing. Women have a much harder time losing weight than men so its best not to start gaining. You need to watch your waist carefully.

    I'm very sorry about Simba, especially after Bucky. My grandkitty was recently hospitalized to the tune of $2,000 for a blockage from his bladder. He's also on special food. To prevent him from sneaking food from his 3 siblings they're all on it now, even the females. Be thankful you are a girl as they don't usually develop those situations. Best of luck to Simba.

  12. Great photos of you two. Me, I have kidney something or other and my parents had to put me on a prescription diet for kidney something or other. I have been on it for almost 4 1/2 years and I am doing fine. Hopefully the new diet will put the zip right back into Simba, good as new. I love to take naps, its gray outside today and my parents were talking about me, they seem to think the weather affects my mood. Whatever, my chair and blankie are so nice and soft....I hope your parents are doing well! Off for another "cat nap" even though I am a dog!

  13. We're sorry to hear about Simba. We hope he feels better soon. With lots of good care, he can do fine for years. We hope he does!

    And good for you, Lucy, getting a good report...except for the weight gain. Mom thinks Wally is getting fat and has used the D word around him!!

  14. We are sorry that Simba is having problems but glad that he seems to feel good and thank goodness he is cooperative about getting his fluids. Peanut and all of us are so happy that Lucy's blood work came back perfect.
    Our mama said we are gaining way to much weight too. Our bigest exercise is breathing, eating and sleeping. We don't know what she has in mind we already get senior dry.
    Hugs and purrs to Lucy and Simba.

  15. When it comes to medication none of my cats is cooperative, lol ! They run away, they hiss they fight it's a nightmare. Rosie too has to eat special food because she easily has stomac troubles. I put her food high up on the scratching post, no other cat can go there because they are all L to XL size but Rosie only an S. It's difficult to separate food when you have more then one cat !

  16. Dear Lucy,
    Don't worry, I'm sending to Simba, love and good energies, he will be fine soon!
    purrs and love
    Luna - We love Luna

  17. Sorry to hear that Simba's sicky and you're lethargic. Mom says I'm too chubby now and that both her and I need to diet. That just stinks.

  18. Oh, I is so sorry about Simba. At least you has experienced parents to help him. I knows that is the last thing they want to do again but you tell Simba to gibs hims cooperashuns. I hate to break this to you Lucy, but when kittehs has to eat prescripshun diets (and doggies too) they say BLECH! Wot is you eating it for when you doesn't has to? You has it all backwerds!


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