Sunday, September 23, 2018

Easy Sunday

Well, the lady was able to get us both in the picture, but we wouldn't look at the camera at the same time.

Next time, I will be in the chair.

Kitties! Have you seen these? If you're lucky enough to get these, let me know. I know the lady probably won't get these for us, but I'm holding out hope.


  1. Annie, it's good just to get a pic of you both in the same frame, never mind actually looking at the camera. We don't look in sync either!

    The treats look yummy! Our biped doesn't give us those, she gives us a few extra pieces of our kibble as treats. (We get very little dry, so any extra is cause for kitty excitement!)

  2. You are both so cute! We are happy to see you both together, although of course you are not TOGETHER. And no, we haven't had those treats but we totally think your mom should get you some.

  3. Howdy sweeties, you two sure look terrific!

  4. Annie you look so beautiful but I agree next time YOU get the chair!

  5. LOL too funny you gotta keep the Mom guessing
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. I haven't tried them yet. Have you asked the Lady to get them for you? If you ask, she will! Mom's are like that.

  7. Cute photos of the two of you! I haven't seen those treats yet and I'm sure my Cecelia would love them, but her doctor put her on a diet when she went in for her one year checkup, so I don't think we'll be getting them.

  8. You two are like us. We do our best to not cooperate with picture taking. We hope you get those treats. The mom rarely gets us Temptations anymore. Phooey.

  9. I think you guys did a great job of your selfies (at least, as far as driving your human crazy!). We don't eat Temptations, but LOVE the Halloween theme!

  10. Great selfies. We need to look for those Temptations!!

    The Florida Furkids

  11. Pierrot needs to share that chair with you. I need to look for those treats, I love that they have Halloween treats for cats now :) XO

  12. wavez two ewe pie N annie N annie N pie with speshull guest a pear antz bye ree clinerz chair !! N we iz knot a loud ta haz treetz but tell mom her can get em at chewy; target N walmart...heerz hopin ya get 7 tubz :) ♥♥☺☺

  13. Ya'll be lookin' gawjus as always. Wish we could get to a store. We'd glad;y send you some of those treats. We don't like 'em, so we won't be gettin' any either. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena


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