Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thankful Thursday

I was just spending my day like I usually do: searching for the best sun puddles, looking out the window, lying on top of my toys and taking naps. Then, without warning, two loud men were in my house for several hours. Our hot water heater had been leaking and they were here to replace it.
We are very thankful that the big guy saw that it was leaking and caught it in time. I am now all the more grateful for my peaceful life.


  1. What a terror, when loud, strange people come in to your house, Annie. I sure am glad all is peaceful and quiet again! (We'll have a strange man in our house next Tuesday, doing our annual furnace maintenance. I'm sure there will be some kitties hiding around here on that day.)

  2. Yikes! We're with you on being thankful for the peace and quiet, and we sure bet your humans are thankful the hot water heater was replaced before the whole thing went!

  3. We hate it when Mum lets humans into our house and we don't like anyone poking their noses in and stand talking to Mum.

  4. We are not fans of noisy humans like that either. You do look all pretty and snuggy though sweet Annie!

  5. Annie we don't like strangers visiting us either. Glad your hot water heater got all fixed up quickly that could have been a big mess!

  6. annie....we bet yur mom iz glad de big guy finded de leek two.....
    brrrrrrrrrrrrr.....brisk waterz !! ~~~~~~~ waves two pie....we bee out til monday heerz two a deep sea smelt kinda week oh end ~~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

  7. That's a good thing the heater got dealt with!

  8. At least its replaced and you can have some peace and quiet now! :) hehe super cute picture!

  9. We don't like when worker guys come into our house. We're glad they weren't there too long and you could get back to your nap, Annie.

  10. I am glad that was caught early, it could have been a mess.

  11. Oh MeOW gawjus, we're glad it was spotted and fixed early too. Ours caught on fire a few years ago. Hope you have a great weekend and lots of sun puddles and peace.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  12. you are a very thoughtful kitty, we are happy it was fixed too catchatwithcarenandcody


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