Friday, January 31, 2014

Thankful Friday

Our good friends at Twinkletoes Tails sent me two different gifts. First, the lady and their mom met up the day after Thanksgiving for coffee and she brought me a wand toy that has a mouse, feathers and it squeaks. That's right. It squeaks and I love it! Then, not too long ago, they sent me a package with a heart catnip pillow, a bird with feathers that has been very abused by me and two pouches of Weruva food.

The lady wants to interject and just say how incredibly nice their mom is and how much fun she had talking up a storm with her. Now, back to my fun:

I had fun with all the toys but when the pictures were taken, I was having the most fun with the wand toy.

Thank you so much Oui Oui, Mica Minnie Moo, Julie, Carl and The Mom! You are so thoughtful and kind!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Easy Sunday

The lady is astonished at my increased appetite lately, but don't you all eat more when it's cold?

I hope you all are having a fun weekend. The peeps had a chocolate chip cheesecake Friday night, but I wasn't interested. I got a small dollop of vanilla ice cream on Saturday. Yum.
Day-dreaming of sun puddles
Last night the lady and I watched Downton Abby. Actually, she watched while I played with my wand toy. Yep, it's a good weekend.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thankful Thursday

The lady and I have friends in Nice, France. They sent us a lovely package.
The lady didn't take a good picture of the contents. There's a postcard of Nice in the 1800's with ladies doing their laundry in the sea, a calendar with famous French photographs, a French detective story that Big Guy is reading as he trying to learn French and, most importantly, treats for me!

First, I want to introduce my two French friends. Jim is the older. He was also friends with Lucy. Isn't he handsome?
French kitties are good at relaxing too!
This is Châtaigne (French for Chestnut). Isn't he a cutie? He's orange like me and I think he has a little bit of rascal in him.

They sent me treats called  Whiskas Sticks. They are so yummy!

Très délicieux!

Merci beaucoup, mes amis!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Toasty Tuesday

We're supposed to get 4 to 8 inches of snow today.

Thanks so much for you kind words about the Big Guy. He's doing a lot better now. His back is hurty, but he has chronic back pain so he's used to it.

During the last snow, the Big Guy waited until the lady went out. He then put me on the patio in the snow. (He knew the lady would fuss and carry on--and she would--but I thought it was fun.)

It's going to be cold the next few days so we have lots of food in the cupboards, most importantly:
My shelf of the only food/flavors I'll eat and reserve the right to snub tomorrow

Lots of full-tummy snoozes are on my agenda today. :)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Easy Like a Sunday Morning

Hi Friends,
I'm easing into my Easy Sunday. It's been a long, cold week, but it has finally warmed up this weekend. On top of the cold weather, we also had icy freezing rain and two people slipped on ice right outside our building. One was the Big Guy last Sunday. He was knocked out cold. He's slowly doing better. The other happened Friday night. It was our neighbor. The Big Guy heard her outside crying. The lady (my lady) was sleeping but ran out and helped her. The neighbor was taking her doggie out and fell on her knee. The lady helped her back in her apartment, stayed with her a while and then took her doggie out to pee. When she came back in, I was waiting for her and we went back to bed, me on top of the warm electric blanket, happy my lady was back. I'm not used to her going out in the middle of the night.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wordy Wednesday

I refused to look at the lady so this was the best picture she could get.

The lady is getting stir crazy. She hasn't left the house in days, with some small exceptions, due to the bad weather. Plus, she works from home most days. What's wrong with being home every day? That's what I do and I don't get stir crazy. I love being home.

Twice in the last three days, someone has knocked on the door, and once the peeps let the intruder in! I do not like this one bit! The lady says she knows I'm a brave girl because she's seen my bravery in action so I shouldn't get scared. 

I need to go now and catch up on some lost zzzs due to my vigilant watching of the house.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Easy Sunday

Yes, it must be cold because I'm in the lady's lap (those are her jean-clad legs). The lady asked the big guy to take some pictures for proof. He bugged me so much with his camera noises, I jumped down shortly after.

 With a little luck (and continued cold), I'll be back.

Happy Easy Sunday!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thankful Thursday

I am so happy! The lady got me a cat tree for Christmas. It's small but that's because I have super short legs and can't jump up very high. I also can't climb because I don't have my front claws (my previous owners had that done). The top has a wooly cushion and is so comfy, and the base is sisal, my favorite thing to rub my stubbies (that's what the lady calls them) on. The lady says this is her Christmas present. She is so happy that I like it. I purred immediately as I curled up in it.

Here's an action shot of me jumping out. The catch is that I'm not able to jump into it. That's why there's a chair next to it.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy Yummy New Year's Day!

 So far, the new year is pretty good. The lady made dessert with evaporated milk and let me lick some. It's so deliciously sticky and sweet! Some got in my coat so I took a long bath.

I hope your first day of 2014 is as good as mine.