Well, it's really every other day. In this post we are going to take you step-by-step through giving Bucky fluids.
For those of you who don't know Bucky, he is a cat my husband found abandoned in a field in October. We took him to the vet and discovered he has chronic renal failure (CRF). The vet told us we must give him fluids subcutaneously (under the skin) every other day. This helps him to feel better and helps with rehydration. Without adequate hydration, the blood flow through the kidneys is reduced which causes even more rapid deterioration of the kidneys. Subcutaneous fluid therapy does not repair the kidneys, but it helps the remaining kidney tissue function as effectively as possible.
1. Warm the fluid bag in the sink for approximately 10 minutes.
2. Dish up some yummy Fancy Feast.
3. Test the temperature of the fluids before administering.
4. Hang the fluid bag so it's up high. This enables the fluids to flow quicker.
5. Find Bucky (he's probably napping on the bed).
5. Carry him to the laundry room where I give him his fluids.
6. Make a "tent" out of the loose skin around his shoulder blades. Insert the needle with the open side up with a quick motion into the tent. Open the valve on the IV bag.
7. Hold the needle in place while the fluids go in. Notice Bucky is eating his Fancy Feast. This is my way of keeping him distracted. Somtimes I find it helps to do this in the laundry basket.
8. Finished. Give Bucky some love for being a good boy.