Sunday, July 28, 2013

Easy Like a Sunday

It would be a much Easier Sunday if she wouldn't make all kinds of squealing noises when she sees me on the blanket.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Finally Friday!

Don't you love my paws?

Hooray! It's Friday! Well, every day is pretty much the same for me, but the Lady is happy. Do you have any plans? My peeps are going to an event at their church this evening. That means the Lady has to play with me for an hour after she gets home, which means she'll go to bed late. She'll be tired tomorrow but not because she had a night on the town. No, not her. She has no life (except for me), remember?

She said she's going to bake something yummy for her and the Big Guy. Well, I better get some too! I think there's some cleaning and laundry on her agenda too. Other than that, it's the usual for us. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Vigilance...Kind of

I'm waiting for the birds to appear so I can watch them eat and fantasize about catching them.

Sigh. They're a bit late this morning.

I'm getting tired.

I'll take a nap but keep one eye open just in case.
Napping on the Big Guy's French homework is quite comfy

I gotta keep the house safe and bird free.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Easy Like a Sunday Morning

Sometimes having an easy Sunday means being next to the bed, not in it, but always with paws tucked in.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Treat Review! contacted me again. They know about my discerning palate and I know about their quickness of sending the goods.

This time, I’m reviewing Nature’s Variety Instinct Raw Boost Chicken Formula. These are freeze dried raw treats that have no wheat, corn, soy, grain, gluten, by-products or artificial ingredients and are just two calories per piece. The first four ingredients are meat, delicious meat.

These are super tasty! I really, really, really enjoyed them. I gotta say that I could get used to being the go-to treat taster for Chewy.

Two things are true about me: I’m orange and I love treats. These treats did not disappoint!

Disclaimer: I received these treats for free to review and my opinions are my very own.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My Faves

I received the “My Favourite Things” award from Carl at Twinkle Toes. In order to accept, I must list six of my favorite things.

1. Treats! Need I say more?
2. Watching the birds and making sure they know who’s boss!

3. Playing with the Lady every night. It’s a good thing she has no life whatsoever so she can play at the appointed time. It’s bad enough I have to wait for her to eat her dinner.

4. Putting the Big Guy to bed. Every night when he goes to bed, I make sure I’m there, getting pettings and I purr for him. The Lady couldn’t figure out how I knew to be there every night right when he’s going to bed since his bedtime fluctuates. Well, he watches TV for a couple hours at night with the heating pad on his back. When I hear him turn off the heating pad, then I know he’s off to bed and that’s the exact moment I appear.
5. I LOVE being the only kitty. The Lady says I’m a little bugger for this, but I am so much happier.
6. Breakfast! 

I’m not sure about the rules of passing this on, but I’ve seen most of you get this award. We love to read about everyone’s favorite things so we would love you to pick this up if you haven’t done so yet. Certainly, you’re all deserving of this award!

Carl, thanks again for this award. I think you’re the cat’s pajamas and I love you in your necktie.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Somewhat Easy Sunday

It's not quite as Easy as you may think. You see my blurry tail. That's because the Lady is bugging me with that camera. I'm trying to ignore her but the tail speaks volumes.

Friday, July 5, 2013

My 7th Birthday!

We celebrated my birthday yesterday! The peeps had a little party for me.

Did you notice my eyes?

I had tuna-shrimp birthday cake.

My previous owners said I was born in July 2006 so the Big Guy and the Lady decided that my birthday is on the 4th of July.

Thank you for being my friends.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

Happy and safe Fourth of July to our American friends, but hope you're all having a great day!

Kitties, I hope the booms won't be too noisy and scary in your neck of the woods.

p.s. Not only is it America's birthday today, it's also my birthday. I'll share pics of my celebration tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I have a strict schedule and I like to stick to it. Last night, however, the Lady got me all confused.

Here’s how, more or less, a regular day goes:
Well before 6:00 a.m.  Sit by the Lady’s bed and stare at her until she gets up
6:45 a.m. Eat breakfast of stinky goodness and wash face
7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Bird watch, make rounds, nap on couch, snack on leftovers from breakfast, bathe
4:30 p.m. Eat dinner and wash up
5:00 p.m. Go back on couch
6:00 p.m. Hang out on bedroom floor where lots of sun puddles come through the window
7:00 p.m. Play with the Lady and snack and hopefully get some treats
8:00 p.m. Wait oh-so-patiently for the Lady to get off the computer and play more
9:30 p.m. Curl up on the very corner of the bed where the Lady has pulled up the comforter. (Perish the thought that I would be comfortable says she, but I prefer no comforter or blanket.)
10:30 Lights out
11:30 (or so) Make sure the Big Guy gets into bed and then back to my corner of the bed

Well, last night, the Lady had old-lady pains and couldn’t sleep and got up around 11:30. This really confused me. I thought it was morning. I couldn’t understand why the blinds were closed and it was dark and so I kept meowing at the Lady and Big Guy to turn on the sunshine out there so I could see the birds. Then the Lady decides to go back to bed and expects me to go with her. I was waiting for breakfast.

Why must she baffle me so?