Hi Friends,
We've missed all of you. The last few weeks have been busier than usual. Mama's work is having a big shake-up, Mama and Papa are making plans to move and I haven't been feeling well.
Mama took me to the vet. I have very high blood pressure, elevated thyroid and my retinas are detaching. The latter is apparently due to the high blood pressure. I don't see very well and my eyes are dilated a lot. However, Mama said the vet said that the vision can come back once the BP is under control. I've been on both BP and thyroid pills, but I don't mind because I get a pill pocket twice a day.
I go back to the vet on Wednesday for a two-week check up. They'll re-test my blood for the thyroid and take my blood pressure. I've been feeling a bit better so we're hopeful for a good report.
On another note, our lovely friends at Whisppy have given us an award! Here are the rules:
- Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
- Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
- Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
- Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
- Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
Well, here goes the seven things about us. (You should go read about all the friends at Whisppy. We loved what they had to say.)
- If Annie is excited about something, her meow sounds like a harmonica. If she wants something, her meow sounds like she's pushing out air.
- It's been in the 70's here in Southern California. We're enjoying the sunshine coming through the windows and on our patio.
- Annie likes to chase Simba.
- Annie, the pickiest cat who's ever lived here and only likes two flavors of Fancy Feast, has a taste for smoked Muenster cheese and will steal it off your plate. (She also likes coffee cake.)
- Simba likes to be rocked in the Lazy Boy chair while he's doing the monorail on the top of it. The faster the chair moves, the better. He's a closet thrill seeker.
- Lucy was named after the lead character in the TV show I Love Lucy. When Mama saw her in the shelter 15 and a half years ago, she was sleeping in her litter box and purred nonstop when Mama took her out the cage.
- Lucy, Simba and Annie live together harmoniously, something Mama despaired of several months ago when Annie came to live here.